Tabitha Richardson 83-Year-Old Newport Loan shark
An 83-year-old loan shark has been ordered to pay back over £173,000 of her ill-gotten gains, with more than £35,000 returned to her victims in compensation.
An 83-year-old loan shark has been ordered to pay back over £173,000 of her ill-gotten gains, with more than £35,000 returned to her victims in compensation.
About a quarter of people are planning to borrow money to pay for Christmas this year. Christmas is just around the corner, and whilst there’s a lot to be grateful for, it’s easy to fall into financial stress during the holidays.
Stop Loan Sharks Wales recently spoke with Wales Online to raise awareness surrounding the disturbing tactics and exploitation used by unlicensed money lenders in Wales. The article highlights the heartbreaking stories of those trapped in a cycle of debts.
Cwmbran loan shark Horace Taylor, aged 73, was sentenced to 3 months in prison, suspended for two years, after pleading guilty to illegal money lending.
An 83-year-old loan shark "preyed on vulnerable people” and would threaten them if they missed repayments.
Teaching your children about money from a young age helps them develop the skills they'll need as adults. We can show you how to talk to 3- to 11-year-olds about money.
Something that may often get overlooked is the financial toll that comes along with addiction.
Want to hear more about Stop Loan Sharks? Why not listen to our appearance on the “Ask The Regulator” Podcast.
New research*, commissioned by Stop Loan Sharks Wales and The Welsh Government, confirms fears that current financial hardships may drive more people in Wales to borrow from illegal money lenders, more commonly known as loan sharks. 38% say they are more likely to need to borrow money or credit this year to cover everyday costs. 50% of those borrowing needed funds for everyday living expenses; of those, 66% for food and 53% to cover energy bills. 18-34s are most susceptible to targeting by illegal money lenders.
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